
Stop Being Afraid of Your Clients

Mike Ignatz has managed Business Development at The Benefits Trust since 2005. His drive and focus has helped The Benefits Trust provide better benefits plans to small and mid-sized businesses throughout Canada.

Stop Being Afraid of Your Clients

The group benefits industry is evolving to meet the customer’s demand for computer-driven convenience. Client expectations have risen, and many clients – especially the younger demographic – want to be able to access the information they need immediately. Preferably, on the insurer’s website.

But this convenience can lead to information overload and ultimately leave clients with more questions than answers. What’s the right solution for my business? Is the cheapest option really the best? How can I incorporate specific elements that I need into this off-the-shelf plan?

So what is the advisor’s role in this changing industry?

Our President, Robert Crowder, was recently featured in an article in Insurance & Investment Journal, which dives into this topic. According to Rob, advisors need to advise, leading the decision-maker to the best decisions for their business by asking the right questions and helping them sift through the multitude of information available.

“Advisors need to stop being afraid of their clients,” he said. “I know so many brokers who are terrified of calling their clients about an issue. Your job is to read the news. Tell them when something is wrong and when something needs to be changed.”

We encourage you to read the full article, “Group benefits business moving to the age of convenience”.

Advisors need to move beyond the idea that group benefits plans are commodities and advisors are simply product-brokers; instead, advisors must embrace custom plan design. Custom plan design requires understanding your clients and their challenges, and becoming a flexible problem-solver who provides true value.

In this age of computer-driven convenience, an advisor who brings expert insight and custom solutions to the table is invaluable.

The Benefits Trust helps successful business owners build a better benefits plan than they can get anywhere else. Get in touch with us today!

Don’t miss our conversation-starter resource: 101 Sales Questions Every Benefits Advisor Should Know.

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