
Check Out Our “Primed for ASO” Article in Benefits Canada Magazine

Karen Taylor Smith is the Senior Manager, Group Benefits at The Benefits Trust. She has worked with The Benefits Trust since 1997, using her deep knowledge of employee benefit plans to customize the right solutions for businesses. Karen speaks, blogs, and contributes regularly to various media outlets on group benefits and compensation topics.

Check Out Our “Primed for ASO” Article in Benefits Canada Magazine

ASO PlansThe Benefits Trust has been published once again by the prestigious Benefits Canada Magazine! Written by our talented Senior Manager, Karen Taylor Smith, the article is entitled “Primed for ASO”. Benefits Canada is the leading benefits magazine in Canada, committed to keeping Canadians up to date with the latest ideas and news in the industry.

“Primed for ASO” details how a customized Administrative Services Only (ASO) plan offers employers greater control over their benefits plan design and the amount of money they spend. No longer available only to larger corporations, ASO plans give small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity for more flexible coverage. Within the article, readers will find an in-depth breakdown of how ASO plans work and guidelines for pricing concerns.

The article features a comparison of ASO plans against conventional group insurance coverage, benefits plan basics, pricing factors for ASO plans, a checklist for deciding whether an ASO is right for your business, and a case study.

“With more funding options available, employers are considering their risk tolerance and the level of customization they need to meet their benefits objectives,” writes Taylor Smith.

pdficon_small Click here to download our “Primed for ASO” PDF

>> Learn more about ASO plans here or contact The Benefits Trust to discover how a customized ASO plan will work for you.

Image source: Benefits Canada

Karen Taylor Smith is the Senior Manager, Group Benefits at The Benefits Trust. She has worked with The Benefits Trust since 1997, using her deep knowledge of employee benefit plans to customize the right solutions for businesses. Karen speaks, blogs, and contributes regularly to various media outlets on group benefits and compensation topics.

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