
FREE eBook! Get “The Smart Employer’s Guide to HCSAs”

Karen Taylor Smith is the Senior Manager, Group Benefits at The Benefits Trust. She has worked with The Benefits Trust since 1997, using her deep knowledge of employee benefit plans to customize the right solutions for businesses. Karen speaks, blogs, and contributes regularly to various media outlets on group benefits and compensation topics.

FREE eBook! Get “The Smart Employer’s Guide to HCSAs”

A healthcare spending account (HCSA) is a practical, affordable, and flexible benefits plan option that has a multitude of advantages for business owners like you. It comes as no surprise, then, that HCSAs are gaining popularity as an alternative (or addition!) to conventional group health and dental plans.

As a custom benefits plan provider, we know all the ins and outs of HCSAs and we have seen first-hand the advantages that a well-structured HCSA can bring.

Employers like you need that information in order to make informed business decisions about your group benefits plan.

You need to know how an HCSA can help you meet your business goals, retain your key employees, control costs, and covers the things your employees really want.

That’s Why We Wrote This eBook!

We’re excited to present our brand new eBook, The Smart Employer’s Guide to Healthcare Spending Accounts!

It has everything you need to know to understand HCSAs and how they can be specifically designed to meet your business needs. And it’s FREE!

Here’s an outline of what you’ll find inside:

  • What Are the Advantages of Healthcare Spending Accounts?
  • What Happens to Unspent Funds?
  • Where Do Healthcare Spending Accounts Fit?
  • Guidelines for Claim Expenses Eligibility
  • How Big of a Part Should Healthcare Spending Accounts Play in a Benefits Plan?
  • Examples of How HCSAs Can Be Set Up to Meet Business Goals

See for yourself! Download Your FREE eBook Now.Benefits Trust eBook

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>> The Benefits Trust can help you design a custom healthcare spending account plan that works for your business. Contact us to get started!

More Benefits Advice from The Benefits Trust:



Karen Taylor Smith is the Senior Manager, Group Benefits at The Benefits Trust. She has worked with The Benefits Trust since 1997, using her deep knowledge of employee benefit plans to customize the right solutions for businesses. Karen speaks, blogs, and contributes regularly to various media outlets on group benefits and compensation topics.

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