
Health and Medical, Small Business, and Employment Scams [Video]

Mike Ignatz has managed Business Development at The Benefits Trust since 2005. His drive and focus has helped The Benefits Trust provide better benefits plans to small and mid-sized businesses throughout Canada.

Health and Medical, Small Business, and Employment Scams [Video]

fraud2March is Fraud Prevention Month in Canada, led by the Competition Bureau of Canada and supported by 125 law enforcement agencies, private companies, and public sector organizations. Awareness about fraud helps us all to recognize it when we see it, reject it, and report it.

At The Benefits Trust, we strongly believe in scam awareness and prevention, so business owners and consumers alike can protect themselves from fraud. Most Canadians have been or will be fraud targets – which means all Canadians should be informed about fraud so they can stop it when they see it.

2016 is the 12th anniversary of Canada’s annual fraud awareness month. This year, the Competition Bureau has provided some great informative videos about the most common scams.

We’re sharing the videos on health and medical scams, small business scams, and employment scams to help spread the word.

Fraud Prevention Month 2016

If you want to watch all of the videos, click here to visit the Competition Bureau Fraud Video Gallery.

Fraud Prevention Resources

If you would like to participate in the conversation on Twitter during March, use the hashtag #FPM2016.

Contact us to discuss how a well-designed benefits plan can reduce the potential for healthcare fraud.

More about Fraud from The Benefits Trust:

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