by Karen Taylor Smith | Apr 19, 2016 | One Person Plans
As a sole proprietor or incorporated individual, have you ever wondered if you could get a benefits plan just for yourself and your dependents? After all, benefits plans are fully tax-deductible business expenses, allowing you to pay for your medical and dental...
by Mike Ignatz | Sep 16, 2015 | Custom Plan Design, Employee Benefits, One Person Plans
In our last post on this topic, we discussed which benefits plans are best for business owner-operators, sole proprietors, and incorporated individuals who want a benefits plan for themselves. However, a one-person benefits plan may be needed when the business owner...
by Mike Ignatz | Aug 18, 2015 | Custom Plan Design, Employee Benefits, Executive Benefits, One Person Plans
“Do you provide benefits plans for just one person?” is a question advisors regularly relay to us, and they are usually surprised by the answer. Indeed you can! It is an under-served market and can be quite lucrative. For many advisors however, the real value of these...