by Mike Ignatz | Jul 26, 2018 | Coordination of Benefits, Flexible Benefits
As a benefits broker, you know you need to consistently add value for your clients. And value means a lot more than just saving money—it’s about being a trusted advisor who educates and helps business owners make the best decisions for their unique situation. In this...
by Robert J. Crowder CLU, GBA | Dec 19, 2017 | Coordination of Benefits, Employee Benefits, Flexible Benefits, News
Starting January 1st, 2018, the Government of Ontario will offer expanded drug benefits for children and youth. Under the new OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare program, Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) drugs will be fully covered, regardless of family income or student...
by Robert J. Crowder CLU, GBA | Oct 4, 2017 | Coordination of Benefits, Stop Loss
Every benefits broker has had the stressful experience of having to tell their clients that premiums are increasing – clients certainly aren’t happy to hear this news, you’re going into the conversation already on the defense, and sometimes the relationship you’ve...
by Mike Ignatz | Sep 15, 2016 | Coordination of Benefits, Employee Benefits
The Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program is a government program that helps certain individuals cover the cost of their prescription medications. The ODB includes over 4,400 prescription drugs, as well as some nutrition products and diabetic testing agents. Click here...
by Mike Ignatz | Jun 12, 2015 | Benefits Costs, Coordination of Benefits, Employee Benefits
Most people know the essentials of coordination of benefits (COB); however, there are a few details that are less widely known. These details are important to understand. They allow you to get the most from the different benefits plans you and your dependents are...
by Karen Taylor Smith | Feb 13, 2015 | Coordination of Benefits, Employee Benefits, Member News, Provincial Updates
Do you and your employees know all the ins and outs of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)? If you’re not in the healthcare or benefits industry, chances are that you don’t. And you might be missing out on some great coverage options! Benefits plans are designed...